customer relationships

Posted by Saturday, October 24, 2009

Here are 5 tips to help you build better customer relationships that will keep them coming back again and again.

1. Where are you mentally? Before you meet with your client in person or by telephone, evaluate where you are physically and emotionally. Are you ready to approach this conversation with an open mind and the intention to look for how this interaction can benefit both of you? If not, take the time to check in with yourself. What you can do first that will put you in the right frame of mind to have an enjoyable, and productive, conversation? Maybe you can go for a walk, have lunch at your favorite bistro, or just take a quick break in the fresh air.

2. Speak their language. When talking to your clients, listen closely to the descriptive words or phrases they use. Use their words in your own conversation to promote clarity, understanding, and connection. Notice if this builds rapport between you.

3. Be there! This is not the time to think about what you are going to fix for dinner or what your kids may be doing in the next room. Watch your client's body language and reactions (if you are talking to them in person), or listen to and match their tone, volume, and rhythm, and sense their energy (if listening by telephone). Hear what they're saying and acknowledge them and their contributions throughout the conversation. Saying things like, 'I sure can identify with that, tell me more,' will show them you are with them.

4. See your business through your client's eyes. Just for a moment think about how you would feel if you were sitting in your customer's chair. Would you want to do business with you? If not maybe it's time to approach the situation and yourself differently. Ask yourself why you are interacting with the client as you are and what you can do about it. Did you stay up too late last night? Did you have a disagreement with your kids? Usually if you are having difficulty responding to your clients in a kind, understanding, and helpful manner, there is a personal care issue involved.

5. Ask your client what is most important to them. Do you know why your clients come back to you or send you referrals? If not, (or if they aren't coming back), it's time to find out why. If they aren't coming back or sending you referrals, and you don't want to provide the service that is most important to them, it may be time for you to either outsource the part of your business that matters most to your clients, or find another business that you enjoy more.

The bottom line is although the customer may not always be right; your business will suffer if they don't feel appreciated. If you let them know you not only appreciate them, but you're glad they are part of your business, they'll most likely keep coming back, and send referrals too! And that's how a good business becomes a great business!

Sandy Reed is the President and Founder of the National Association of Marketing Consultants (NAMC). NAMC provides support, education, and networking opportunities for marketing consultants, and provides one-stop shopping for clients who are looking for the right consultant for their business. Sandy is a professional business coach, writer, and co-owns her own successful family business. Sandy’s business building articles have been published in True Wealth and Simply Home Magazines. Take the NAMC Member Survey and save $20 on your annual membership! Visit and click on the red survey link on the right sidebar.


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