Take a Break in a Cottage

Posted by Andidw.com Saturday, October 24, 2009

With Christmas being round the corner and purse strings tightening the last thing you want to hear is that another costly event is soon to take place. When considering getting away from it for a while you could always take the opportunity to stay at one of many cottages western Lake District and take in the natural beauty of the lakes. The Lake District proves to be a calming environment for many people, taking in the inexpensive natural pleasures of life. Reminding us that there is more to life than work. Others like to take a more active approach. Cottages Ravenglass are surrounded by many activities. Although the Lake District is known for its water sports, since the speed restrictions placed on the lake it has seen tourism drop dramatically, in fact Cumbria has not been a lucky place to be in the world of tourism, having also been hit hard by the foot and mouth incident tourism was virtually non existent around this time.

Foot and mouth and is a touchy subject but at least the gates to Cumbria have been re-opened for the rest of us to come and see what the fuss is about. With the economic climate drawing ever closer to doom and gloom, people are looking at their finances and seeing what is more of a bargain and so too with the foreign exchange not swinging in the UK's direction, others are still looking for the extra luxury break but closer to home. Cottages are becoming ever popular with the tourism crowd as this not only gives you accommodation to all standards but gives you that extra freedom of doing what you want, when you want so not timed as to when you need to eat or sleep, the choice is simply yours.

Going abroad is never an easy task, and way too much to organise and remember, such as passport, is it up to date or do you need to renew? Cash, have you got the right currency and correct amount or do you need more? Medical, are you going anywhere that requires you to have inoculations? Far too many things to consider, unlike a holiday away from home in a lovely home with lovely Lake surroundings, a place to get away without having to do too much preparation! Simply get clothes, no currency to consider, no passport not even medical as you are still home with the good old NHS around the corner. Cottages in Ravenglass and cottages in the Western lake District have fabulous surroundings to do virtually anything you would consider to be a holiday activity.


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